Chevrolet Thailand Dan Holden Australia Akan Tutup Kedai
General Motors, pemilik jenama Chevrolet dan Holden baru-baru ini mengumumkan bahawa ia menghentikan operasi di Thailand (Untuk Chevrolet) dan Holden untuk Australia dan juga New Zealand. Dalam satu kenyataan akhbar pada 16 Februari, General Motors (GM) sedang dalam proses menjual kemudahan pembuatan Chevrolet di Rayong kepada pengilang kereta China, Great Wall dan GM akan menarik diri dari pasaran domestik Thailand menjelang akhir tahun ini, 2020.

Jenama Chevrolet telah datang dan pergi dari pasaran Malaysia beberapa kali (4 kali sebenarnya) dan usaha terakhir oleh Kumpulan Naza gagal apabila GM tidak menunaikan janji-janjikan kenderaan generasi baru dan sokongan selepas jualan yang lebih baik. Kami melaporkan tentang berita ini pada 16 Disember 2018 dan telah dibalas dengan kritikan dari jabatan komunikasi korporat GM ASEAN dan kami telahpun menjawab dengan sewajarnya. Nah, sekarang apa yang kita laporkan sudahpun berlaku.

GM telah menyiarkan kenyataan untuk Australia, New Zealand, Thailand dan pasaran eksport yang berkaitan, para pelanggan semasa boleh menaruh keyakinan bahawa GM akan menghormati semua waranti dan terus menyediakan servis dan alat ganti. Operasi tempatan juga akan terus mengendalikan semua penarikan dan sebarang isu berkaitan keselamatan. Ini seolah-olah tidak akan berlaku kerana tidak ada wakil di Malaysia sekarang. Mungkin pejabat Singapura akan mengendalikan masalah-masalah dan waranti.

Pemilik Chevrolet Colorado, Malibu, Orlando dan Cruze semasa perlu bertanya dengan mereka melalui laman web mereka.

KENYATAAN MEDIA: The Holden brand will be retired from sales in Australia and New Zealand and local design and engineering operations will wind down by 2021, General Motors (NYSE: GM) announced today. Maven and Holden Financial Services operations will also wind down in Australia.
GM International Operations Senior Vice President Julian Blissett said GM had taken the difficult decision after implementing and considering numerous options to maintain and turn around Holden operations.
“Through its proud 160-year history, Holden has not only made cars, it has been a powerful driver of the industrialization and advancement of Australia and New Zealand,” said Blissett.
“Over recent years, as the industry underwent significant change globally and locally, we implemented a number of alternative strategies to try to sustain and improve the business, together with the local team.”
GM undertook a detailed analysis of the investment required for Holden to be competitive beyond the current generation of products. Factors impacting the business case for further investment included the highly fragmented right-hand-drive markets, the economics to support growing the brand, and delivering an appropriate return on investment.
“After comprehensive assessment, we regret that we could not prioritize the investment required for Holden to be successful for the long term in Australia and New Zealand, over all other considerations we have globally,” said Blissett.
“This decision is based on global priorities and does not reflect the hard work, talent and professionalism of the Holden team.”
GM intends to focus its growth strategy in Australia and New Zealand on the specialty vehicles business and plans to immediately work with its partner on developing these plans.
GM Holden Interim Chairman and Managing Director Kristian Aquilina said that given the significance of Holden through its history, it was critical the company worked with all stakeholders to deliver a dignified and respectful wind-down.
“Holden will always have a special place in the development of our countries. As Australia and New Zealand grew, Holden was a part of the engine room fuelling that development,” said Aquilina.
“Today’s announcement will be felt deeply by the many people who love Holdens, drive Holdens and feel connected to our company which has been with us for 160 years and is almost ubiquitous in our lives.
“Unfortunately, all the hard work and talent of the Holden family, the support of our parent company GM and the passion of our loyal supporters have not been enough to overcome our challenges.
“We understand the impact of this decision on our people, our customers, our dealers and our partners – and will work closely with all stakeholders to deliver a dignified and respectful transition.”
Holden customers can be assured that the company will honour all warranties and servicing offers made at time of sale. Holden will provide servicing and spare parts for at least 10 years, through national aftersales networks in Australia and New Zealand. As required, Holden and its aftersales network will also continue to handle any recalls or safety-related issues if they arise, working with the appropriate governmental agencies.

Impacted Holden employees will be provided separation packages and employment transition support.
Holden will work with its dealer network on appropriate transition arrangements, including offering dealers the opportunity to continue as authorized service outlets to support Holden customers.
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