Semua Kereta Geely Akan Datang Dengan Pembersih Udara Gred-N95 Menjelang Mac 2020
Macamlah Geely belum lagi menjadi salah satu jenama kereta yang paling mengagumkan di luar sana, mereka menorak langkah lagi dan berjanji sesuatu yang benar-benar revolusi. Semua kenderaan yang dibuat oleh syarikat itu akan menampilkan sistem pembersihan udara baharu bermula bulan depan.

Mengenai Sistem Pembersihan Udara Ini
Geely calls this newly developed system the G-Clean Intelligent Air Purifcation System (IAPS). The air purification system is said to be as effective as an N95 mask. It can do the following:
Geely memanggil sistem baru yang dibangunkan ini G-Clean Intelligent Air Purifcation System (IAPS). Sistem pembersihan udara dikatakan berkesan seperti topeng N95. Ia boleh melakukan yang berikut:
- menyerap gas berbahaya seperti formaldehid
- menyaring bau yang menjengkelkan dan bahan pencemar berbahaya
- menjana ion negatif yang mensterilkan dan menghilangkan bahan cemar kenderaan dan mengeluarkan virus, bakteria, kulat, dan kulapuk
Langkah ini adalah sebahagian daripada strategi syarikat untuk membantu memerangi virus Corona semasa. Mereka juga telah menyumbangkan 150 MPV Geely Jiaji yang dilengkapi dengan unit G-Clean IAPS ini untuk mengetengahkan pekerja yang berhadapan dengan penyakit ini.

Proton X70, yang berdasarkan Geely Boyue, mempunyai sistem Air Cleaner yang tidak begitu kompleks. Akankah Proton dari Geely akan menerima akses kepada teknologi ini atau akankah Proton menjadi tempat bagi Geely untuk membuang reka bentuk Air Cleaner yang lama untuk dijual kepada Proton. Proton masih belum membuat kenyataan.

Kenyataan Media
Geely Auto announced that all of its future vehicles will be equipped with Geely’s G-Clean Intelligent Air Purification System (IAPS), a new system that is able to automatically filter out harmful particulates from the vehicles internal air environment.
Geely Auto’s new IAPS system was developed in just 20 days in reaction to the onset of the 2019 Coronavirus which has affected large areas of China, Geely’s engineers worked non-stop with suppliers to bring the concept from the drawing board to future production vehicles in record time and will be seen in production cars from March 2020.
Geely vehicles equipped with the new IAPS system will receive an advanced new active carbon chemical filter that can effectively absorb harmful gases such as formaldehyde as they enter the vehicle and is also able to filter out irritating odor and harmful pollutants once they are detected by the automatic system. In addition, the IAPS is equipped with a negative ion generator that is able to sterilize and deodorize in vehicle pollutants and aim to remove in airborne viruses, bacteria, fungi, and molds, etc, achieving the same level of air filter as an N95 respiration system.
Geely has already introduced the new IAPS system into 150 Geely Jiaji MPV’s that have been given to frontline workers battling the Coronavirus epidemic across China.
Under the Geely Healthy Car program, Geely Auto will move to invest 370 million RMB into the development of healthier vehicles. Geely will act in three key phases to develop advanced healthy vehicles – in the first phase Geely will introduce short term solutions such as the IASP systems that can bring intelligent, high level air quality protection to vehicle occupants and bring them to market at affordable levels. In Phase two and three Geely will be partnering with leading medical agencies and material companies to develop clean materials for interior and exterior parts such as buttons and grab handles which may harbor harmful bacteria and viruses.
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