Penjualan Global Toyota Pulih Lebih Cepat Daripada Yang Dijangkakan
PandemiK Covid-19 telah melanda industri automotif dengan teruk, tetapi banyak pemain terbesar dunia telah bersedia menghadapi impak sejak awal tahun ini. Laporan terbaharu dari Toyota seolah-olah menunjukkan bahawa ianya tidak sebegitu buruk seperti yang dijangkakan.

Jualan global pada bulan Ogos adalah 10.6% lebih teruk daripada yang sebelumnya pada bulan Ogos 2019, tetapi kadar pemulihan sebenarnya lebih baik daripada yang diharapkan oleh Toyota pada awalnya. Sebenarnya, penjualan Toyota di China sebenarnya melambung tinggi daripada yang mereka lakukan tahun lalu. Di sana mereka menjual 164.354 unit, meningkat 27.2% berbanding prestasi mereka tahun lalu. Ini termasuk barang-barang lain yang dimiliki oleh Toyota.

Ini disebabkan oleh tindak balas pelanggan China terhadap produk Toyota di pameran motor tempatan dan permintaan yang kuat untuk model seperti Lexus ES.

Adakah ini bermaksud industri akan pulih lebih cepat daripada yang dijangkakan? Itu bergantung pada seberapa cepat seluruh dunia dapat kembali berdiri.
Global sales in August were down 10.6 percent from the previous year, but are recovering at a faster pace than expected.*
China (sales volume164,354 units, year-on-year changeup 27.2 percent)
In addition to local motor shows and other measures to attract customers to dealers as well as reinforced measures to secure orders, sales of the Levin, ES, and other models were strong, and sales were up compared to the previous year.Japan (sales volume104,535 units, year-on-year changedown 10.6 percent)
Sales were down year-on-year due to effects from COVID-19, but in addition to strong sales of the new Harrier, sales of the Yaris and Raize were strong, with the two models ranked first and second, respectively, in new registrations excluding minivehicles, and the recovery trend is continuing from July.
* | July – Septemberdown approx. 15 percent; October – Decemberdown approx. 5 percent;January – Marchup approx. 5 percent. Sales are expected to reach the prior year’s level for the same period around the end of this year to the beginning of next year. |
Global Production in August recovered to around 93.3 percent compared to the previous year
China (production volume119,711 units, year-on-year changeup 15.0 percent)
Due to strong sales of the Levin and other models, sales increased and production was up year-on-year.Japan (production volume202,691 units, year-on-year changedown 11.5 percent)
Production was down from the previous year due to effects from COVID-19, but the recovery trend is ongoing in conjunction with the recovery of the global market.
(June: down 44.8 percent; July: down 22.0 percent; August: down 11.5 percent)
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