Apa Yang Istimewa Tentang Platform Hyundai Sonata Baharu
Hyundai Sonata generasi akan datang hampir tiba untuk rakyat Malaysia yang ingin mendapatkan sedan segmen D baharu. Diimport sepenuhnya dari Korea, Sonata tidak akan menjadi kereta termahal di segmennya. Sebenarnya, ia akan bersaing dengan Camry, yang juga dilengkapi dengan enjin 2.5 liter dan gear automatik konvensional 6-kelajuan. Walau bagaimanapun, Sonata baharu hadir dengan banyak teknologi yang nyata dan di belakang tabir.

Kami ingin menonjolkan casis Sonata baharu ini, untuk memberi anda idea tentang berapa banyak usaha yang dilakukan untuknya.

Pembangunan platform adalah langkah pertama dalam pembinaan kenderaan baharu. Apabila model dipilih untuk pengeluaran besar-besaran, jadual ditetapkan. Pengembangan platform mendahului pemilihan itu, dan juga meliputi aspek hukum dan peraturan, serta rencana untuk menerapkan teknologi baru.

Titik permulaan untuk Platform Generasi ke-3 adalah untuk menyiapkan pengembangan multi load path structure (MLPS) untuk mengantisipasi peraturan keselamatan dan tren pasaran. Dalam proses pengembangan Platform Generasi ke-3, terdapat banyak syarat yang harus dipenuhi di peringkat syarikat dan industri. Mereka termasuk enjin yang baharu dikembangkan dan penurunan berat kendaraan untuk mencerminkan polisi ekonomi bahan bakar, serta piawaian keselamatan perlanggaran untuk memenuhi peraturan yang relevan, dan juga keperluan untuk memperluas jadual mobil mesra alam syarikat. Akibatnya, proses pengembangan harus memperhitungkan jenis kendaraan dari sedan, SUV, MPV, dari tahap pra-pengembangan, serta mempertimbangkan pembuatan dan prestasi setiap jenis.

Kenyataan Media
Can you tell us more about the engine-room’s Multi Load Path Structure?
Engineering researchers refer to the multi-frame engine-room structure as the Multiple Load Path Structure, or MLPS. In a typical collision situation, the side members take the brunt of the collision force. Side members are the structural supports on either side of the bonnet’s engine room. MLPS organically distributes that collision force into the front side members into the subframe, fender apron, and the overall chassis to better brace the impact, absorbing and dispersing it via various paths.
You said that the 3rd-Generation Platform was modular. Which parts or components specifically were modularized?
The underbody is the modularized part of the platform. This underbody platform is divided into four modules: front side member, dash, center floor, and rear floor. The criteria for modularizing units of the body platform module include not only the main functions of the module but also the compatibility with the car class and specifications, as well as manufacturing efficiency. For example, the rear floor module consists of components that support passenger occupancy, loading space configuration, rear impact, and noise reduction against road surface.

What are some highlights of the 3rd Generation Platform?
We are very proud of the autonomous function’s Redundancy System. It secures additional resources in preparation against electric or electronic system malfunctions. Specifically, the redundancies were implemented on the chassis’ steering and braking system. This includes the autonomous driving controls too.
The 3rd Generation Platform’s steering system features sensor redundancies for greater stability, and full redundancy applies from autonomous driving level 4. Hyundai Motor Group’s autonomous driving roadmap dictates double or triple redundancies for the steering system, for sensors, motor coil, ECU, power, and communications.

What was the most difficult aspect of developing the 3rd generation Platform?
It took years of burning the midnight oil, researching and testing the 3rd Generation Platform. Developing the MLPS, hybrid system, meeting design and performance specifications as well as the company’s heightened eco-friendly expectations, all those required close communications with the top brass and the hands-on team at the plant. Through that process, we were able to see our ideas and goals develop into outstanding machines competitive on the world stage, and we are very proud to put the 3rd Generation Platform out there.
A well-developed platform can be an amazing canvas upon which an automobile is created but developing such a platform demands a great deal of effort and time. Platform development team at Hyundai Motor Group is proud to put forth a product of countless hours of intense, inspired work. Get behind the steering wheel of the 8th Generation Sonata which features 3rd Generation Platform. It doesn’t take a seasoned driver to notice a difference.
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