Honda Vietnam Menghasilkan 30 JUTA Motosikal
Minggu lalu, kami berbincang tentang bagaimana Suzuki amat produktif sejak berada di India setelah meninggalkan Malaysia. Hari ini, kita beralih perhatian kepada pembuat kenderaan Jepun yang lain dan kejayaan mereka di negara ASEAN lain – Honda di Vietnam. Sejak dari akhir tahun 1997, mereka telah menghasilkan 30 juta buah motosikal!

Model yang ke-30 juta adalah ‘Winner X’. Mereka mencapai jumlah 10 juta pada 2011 dan 20 juta pada 2016. Tidak seperti di Malaysia, operasi motosikal dan otomobil Honda nampaknya lebih lancar di Vietnam, kerana Honda Vietnam menghasilkan motosikal dan kereta seperti City dan CR-V.
Oleh itu, perhatian jelas bertumpu kepada pasaran motosikal Vietnam yang pesat berkembang. Kapasiti pengeluaran motosikal mereka adalah 2.5 juta unit setahun sementara pengeluaran kereta hanya terhad kepada 23 ribu unit setahun. Honda Malaysia pula mampu menghasilkan lebih dari 100,000 unit kereta setahun di kilang Pegoh mereka.

Honda Vietnam Co., Ltd. (Head office: Hanoi, Vinh Phuc Province, General Director: Keisuke Tsuruzono), a subsidiary of Honda in Vietnam, announced that it has reached a cumulative motorcycle production milestone of 30 million units.
The 30-millionth unit was a Winner X, representing not only a significant milestone for Honda’s motorcycle operations in Vietnam, but attests to the achievements of Honda’s business activities over many years in the country. Heading towards its next milestone, Honda Vietnam will continue to provide high quality products that exceed customer expectations, and continue being “a company that society wants to exist” in Vietnam.
Honda Vietnam was established in 1996 as a motorcycle manufacturing and sales company, and begun motorcycle production in December 1997. In order to better meet domestic customer demand, production and sales localization has progressed, with various facilities operating such as three motorcycle production factories and parts centers.
【Honda’s motorcycle production in Vietnam】
1997 (December): Motorcycle production commences
2008 (July): 5 million-unit cumulative production milestone
2011 (September): 10 million-unit cumulative production milestone
2014 (March): 15 million-unit cumulative production milestone
2016 (September): 20 million-unit cumulative production milestone
2020 (October): 30 million-unit cumulative production milestone
【About Honda Vietnam Co., Ltd.】
Established: March, 1996
Location: Hanoi, Vinh Phuc Province, Vietnam
General Director: Keisuke Tsuruzono
Capital: 1,007,972,500,000 Vietnamese dong
Activities: Motorcycle and automobile production, sales and service
Production capacity: Motorcycles; 2.5 million units, Automobiles; 23 thousand units
Associates: 10 thousand (approx)
Production Models:
Motorcycles: Wave Alpha, Blade, Wave RSX, Future, Winner X, Vision, Air Blade, Lead, SH, Sh Mode
Automobiles: City, CR-V

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