Walaupun Segalanya Yang Sedang Berlaku Subaru USA Masih Meraih Jualan Oktober Terbaik
Anda mungkin menyangka ekonomi AS telah dilumpuhkan kerana wabak yang dilanda sekarang, tetapi peminat Subaru di sana macam sudah keluar berduyun bulan lalu untuk membeli kereta baharu. Oktober 2020 telah menjadi Oktober terbaik dari segi jualan syarikat di AS itu … yang pernah dialami. Walau bagaimanapun, Subaru Amerika juga akan kehilangann rekod jualan tahunan mereka.

Sila teliti:

Walaupun 6 bulan terakhir ini menyaksikan jualan yang luar biasa bagi Subaru di AS, tamparan yang mereka alami awal tahun ini telah merugikan mereka dengan teruk sekali. Time ini tahun lalu, mereka sudah mempunyai 580,860 jualan tahunan. Tahun ini, jumlah kereta yang mereka jual setakat ini adalah 14.3% lebih rendah, tahun ke tahun.

Nampak gayanya Crosstrek (dikenali sebagai XV di sini) dan Outback gen ke-6 benar-benar menerajui caj jualan di sana kali ini.

Subaru of America, Inc. today reported 61,411 vehicle sales for October 2020, an 11 percent increase compared with October 2019. October also marked the sixth consecutive month of 50,000+ vehicle sales for the automaker in 2020.
As the top performing carline by volume, Outback sales increased 46 percent in October 2020 compared with the same month a year ago. Crosstrek achieved its best October ever with 14,994 sales, a 24 percent increase over the same month in 2019. BRZ posted a 97 percent increase, while WRX/STI posted 46 percent increase in October. In addition, the 3-row Ascent and Forester SUVs, posted 4 percent and 8 percent decreases over October 2019, respectively.
“October saw impressive sales across all segments and was the best October in the history of the Subaru franchise, an achievement that would be impossible without the perseverance of our dedicated retailer network,” said Thomas J. Doll, President and CEO, Subaru of America, Inc. “As we head into the season of giving, we look forward to celebrating the thirteenth anniversary of the Subaru Share the Love® Event with its tradition of giving back to local and national charities.”
“Momentum for the Forester, Crosstrek and Outback helped Subaru achieve the strongest sales month of the year,” said Jeff Walters, Senior Vice President of Sales. “Setting this record is a testament to our retailers’ efforts to deliver the best purchase and service experience possible to our customers.”
Following eleven consecutive years of sales records, Subaru reported year-to-date sales of 497,971, a 14 percent decrease compared to the same period in 2019.
Subaru of America recently announced the return of its annual Subaru Share the Love® Event for 2020. Entering the program’s thirteenth consecutive year, Subaru and participating retailers hope to exceed a grand total of $200 million donated to charities since the inception of the Subaru Share the Love Event. From November 19, 2020, through January 4, 2021, Subaru will donate $250 for every new Subaru vehicle purchased or leased to the customer’s choice of the following national charities: The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® (ASPCA®), Make-A-Wish®, Meals on Wheels America and National Park Foundation or a hometown charity selected by participating Subaru retailers.

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