Volkswagen Group Mempersembahkan Prototaip Robot Pengecasan Bergerak
Salah satu halangan terbesar bagi revolusi mobiliti elektrik yang sebenarnya adalah ketiadaan rangkaian pengecasan yang kuat. Oleh kerana kenderaan elektrik mengambil masa lebih lama untuk ‘isi minyak’ daripada kenderaan bertenaga petrol atau diesel tradisional, adalah lebih praktikal untuk memasang EV setiap kali dipakir.

Namun, tidak semua tempat letak kereta boleh dilengkapi dengan outlet pengecasan. Sebaliknya, ada yang menggunakan unit pengecasan mudah alih yang datang ke kereta dan bukannya kereta anda kepadanya. Itulah prototaip berfungsi yang ditunjukkan oleh Volkswagen Group Components minggu ini.

Prototaip Mobile Charging Robot mereka menyajikan visi pengisian autonomi sepenuhnya pada kenderaan elektrik yang dilengkapi dengan sambungan internet. Dalam dunia yang ideal, Volkswagen Group akan melengkapkan tempat letak kereta dengan sekumpulan Robot Pengecasan Bergerak ini. Pengguna kenderaan elektrik terbaharu mereka dapat meletakkan kenderaan mereka di mana-mana sahaja, dan membiarkan kereta itu melayan dirinya sendiri. Kereta itu dapat menyambung ke rangkaian wifi robot dan meminta dicas. Robot akan bergerak sendiri ke kereta, port pengecasan kereta akan terbuka dan robot akan memasukkannya ke dalam kereta dan mengecasnya hingga jumlah yang diinginkan. Semua tanpa perlu menekan butang!

Kami tertanya-tanya adakah ini akan berjaya di Malaysia. Adakah alat seperti itu dapat bertahan dari tahap biasa ‘vandalisme kasual’ yang kita lihat di sini? Terutama apabila anda mempunyai banyak pelanggan yang tidak puas hati mencari jalan untuk menghilangkan kemarahan mereka.

Volkswagen Group Components gives us a first glimpse of the prototypes of its mobile charging robot. This is one of the visionary charging concepts that Volkswagen hopes will expand the charging infrastructure over the next few years. Its task: fully autonomous charging of vehicles in restricted parking areas, like underground car parks.
Fully autonomous charging
The charging robot – started via an app or Car-to-X communication – operates totally autonomously. It independently steers the vehicle to be charged and communicates with it: from opening the charging socket flap to connecting the plug and decoupling it. The entire charging process takes place without any human involvement whatsoever. To charge several vehicles at the same time, the mobile robot moves a trailer, essentially a mobile energy storage unit, to the vehicle, connects it up and then uses this energy storage unit to charge the battery of the electric vehicle. The energy storage unit stays with the vehicle during the charging process. In the meantime, the robot charges other electric vehicles. Once the charging service has ended, the robot independently collects the mobile energy storage unit and takes it back to the central charging station.
The business unit is currently working on a complete DC charging family. The flexible quick-charging station will be launched onto the market in early 2021. For several weeks now, the DC wallbox has been trialled at different company’s German production sites. The mobile charging robot has successfully reached prototype status and will now be comprehensively further developed. One of the prerequisites for market maturity is Car-to-X communication to facilitate the autonomous charging process.
In view of the crucial importance of this issue, in future Volkswagen Group Components will be amongst other things responsible for all Volkswagen Group charging activities and charging systems. The intention is to integrate the charging robot into an overall concept that will focus on the long-term success of electric mobility, and thus the electrification of transport.
They enable the operators of parking bays and underground car parks to quickly and simply “electrify” every parking space using the mobile charging robot. This reduces any construction work needed, at the same time reducing the potential cost.
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