Volvo Cars Terima Penilaian Sustainability Performance Tertinggi
Untuk inisiatif hijau, tidak ramai yang dapat menandingi komitmen Volvo Cars
Berkenaan dengan menjual kereta premium, penjenamaan adalah sangat penting. Banyak yang berpendapat penjenamaan adalah hanya wayang, tetapi selalunya, penjenamaan berpunca dari tindakan yang nyata dan dapat diukur. Bagi Volvo Cars, sebahagian besarnya adalah aspek sustainability. Syarikat ini mensasarkan tahun 2040 sebagai tahun ia menjadi benar-benar mesra alam dan merupakan salah satu syarikat kereta pertama yang membuat komitmen sedemikian.

Selama ini mereka telah melakukan banyak perkara untuk mencapai tujuan ini termasuk menyasarkan penggunaan plastik kitar semula sebanyak 25% pada tahun 2025, membuang plastik pakai sekali dari pejabat mereka di seluruh dunia, dan menyokong piagam G7 Ocean Plastic. Mereka juga melangkah lebih jauh dengan membuat kilang pembuatan neutral-iklim pertama, memasang 15,000 panel solar di salah satu lokasi pengeluaran mereka, dan mengurangkan penggunaan tenaga di kilang lain yang mereka kendalikan.

Inilah beberapa inisiatif hijau yang diperjuangkan oleh Volvo Cars. Dan sekarang usaha mereka membuahkan hasil. Menurut EcoVadis, Volvo Cars berada di 1% teratas dari 75,000 syarikat yang dinilai berkaitan dengan Sustainability Performance. Inilah lebih lanjut mengenai EcoVadis dan penilaian keberlanjutan mereka.

Volvo Cars has received the highest rating for its sustainability
performance from EcoVadis, a leading provider of corporate sustainability assessments, further strengthening its position as one of the most sustainability-minded companies in the car industry. According to EcoVadis, Volvo Cars’ sustainability performance deserves an Advanced ranking, based on the agency’s methodology. The resulting Platinum Medal rating places Volvo Cars in the top one per cent among all 75,000 companies assessed by EcoVadis.
The methodology used by EcoVadis is based on international sustainability standards and supervised by a scientific community of sustainability and supply chain experts.
In particular, EcoVadis looks at how companies implement sustainability across their supply chain. International companies in a variety of industries, and in particular large fleet buyers, use the ratings published by EcoVadis for their purchasing decisions to move away from unsustainable and unethical suppliers.
To date, EcoVadis has rated more than 75,000 companies globally. When assessing companies, it divides its report based on four main categories: Environment, Labour and Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement.
In its rating of Volvo Cars, EcoVadis highlighted several of the company’s ongoing sustainability activities and initiatives. It positively mentions its CO 2 -reduction actions across the supply chain, the verification of its sustainability strategy by the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTI) and Volvo Cars’ work to improve energy efficiency and the efficient use of material and resources.
Elsewhere, EcoVadis also highlights Volvo Cars’ work to promote diversity and inclusion, its initiatives around protecting labour rights, the company’s extensive ethical business training programme and its focus on sustainable procurement around the globe.

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