Kecurian Kereta Di Malaysia Turun 37% Tahun Lepas
Tahun lalu, lebih daripada 7,000 kenderaan dicuri di Malaysia.
Walaupun nombor ini agak membimbangkan, ia sebenarnya merupakan penurunan yang besar berbanding jumlah tahun 2019. Pada tahun 2020, pengurangan kecurian kereta adalah 37%. Sebilangan besar, hampir 4.000, adalah motosikal. Hampir 3,000 daripadanya adalah kereta persendirian. Baki 400+ kenderaan yang dicuri adalah kenderaan komersial. Secara keseluruhan, kira-kira 20 kenderaan dicuri sehari di seluruh negara. Ini menurun dari 32 hari pada tahun 2019.
Angka-angka ini diambil dari Insurance Services Malaysia dan Vehicle Theft Reduction Council (VTREC).
Untuk kereta persendirian, kereta yang paling banyak dicuri tetap menjadi Proton Wira, dengan Proton Iswara di tempat kedua dan Toyota Hilux hampir menaiki podium. Saya rasa ini sangat menarik kerana Wira telah habis pengeluarannya sejak tahun 2009, Iswara sejak sekitar tahun 2008 dengan kedua-dua kereta ini sudah dilewati jumlah penjualan oleh Perodua Myvi.
Wakil Pengarah CID Bukit Aman, Dev Kumar bekata, “kita juga harus berkembang dengan mereka dan tidak membiarkan mereka mengatasi polis.”
Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) dan VTREC baru-baru ini mengukuhkan kerjasama untuk memerangi kecurian kenderaan ketika angka di atas dikongsi. Maklumat lebih lanjut mengenai perkara ini dan VTREC secara umum di bawah.
VTREC and PDRM Strengthen Co-operation to Combat Vehicle Theft
Vehicle Theft Reduction Council of Malaysia and Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) meeting was held today on co-operation to combat vehicle theft.
The panel discussion was focused on public awareness campaigns and engagements as the main ways to interact with the public and to get the vehicle theft awareness message out to people, to educate the public and to change their behaviour in protecting their vehicles.
The participants also exchange views on how to ensure the effectiveness of the campaign by amplifying the strength and effectiveness of their planning and create synergies to roll out the campaign.
This joint action provides a perfect chance for VTREC and PDRM to showcase how non-government entity and PDRM able to work closely together on focus initiatives to bring down rate of vehicle theft nationwide. As for statistics, since 2013 to 2020 vehicle theft has reduced around 60%, with further initiatives to contain the crime, vehicle theft graph can be pushed further down.
During the Dialogue Session betweenBank Negara Malaysia with members of Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) in 2004, PIAM mooted the idea of forming the Vehicle Theft Reduction Council of Malaysia Berhad (VTREC).
The National Seminar on Vehicle Theft held in December 2005 organised by Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM)/PIAM , resolved:
- Formation of VTREC
- Sharing of information between stakeholders
- Adoption of the revised Motor Insurance Tariff
- Automation of detection at exit points
VTREC was incorporated as a Company limited by guarantee on 30th April 2007.
- Study weaknesses in the automobile industries
- Facilitate cooperation and implement recommendations between stakeholders
- Develop/advocate proposals for change across government and non-government sectors
- Prepare and implement actions plans and recommendations of the Council
- Coordinate public education campaigns, theft prevention research
- Monitor theft reduction and provide reports to relevant authorities
- As a Forum to recommend suggestion to the relevant ministries resolution achieved by the council to overcome weakness in the automobile industries
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