Indonesia Akan Menjadi Tuan Rumah Ujian Pra Musim MotoGP Di Mandalika
Litar baharu ini hampir siap dan akan menjadi tuan rumah perlumbaan MotoGP pertamanya tahun depan
Persatuan Grand Prix Mandalika (MGPA) mengumumkan Sirkuit Jalan Mandalika International di Indonesia akan menjadi tuan rumah ujian pra-musim MotoGP dari 11 hingga 13 Februari 2022.
“Ini adalah satu kehormatan bagi sirkuit Mandalika, dan bagi Indonesia, dapat menjadi lokasi untuk ujian pra musim pada tahun 2022,” kata Ketua Pegawai Komunikasi Strategiknya Happy Harinto.
Litar Indonesia yang baharu ini akan menjadi salah satu daripada dua tempat yang dipilih untuk menjadi tuan rumah ujian pra-musim kelas utama selain Litar Antarabangsa Sepang, yang dijadualkan akan mengadakan Shakedown tiga hari untuk rookie dan pelumba ujian dari 31 Januari hingga 2 Februari, diikuti oleh ujian rasmi pada 5 dan 6 Februari.

Sekiranya anda tidak tahu, litar Malaysia terpaksa membatalkan MotoGP tahun ini kerana wabak coronavirus yang semakin teruk di negara ini.
Bagi Mandalika, litar sepanjang 4.31 km yang terletak di selatan pulau Lombok di Nusa Tenggara Barat dijangka siap pada 12 September 2021, tepat dua bulan sebelum ia menjadi tuan rumah final 2021 Superbike World Championship (WSBK) dari 12 hingga 14 November.
The circuit is also scheduled to host its first ever MotoGP race next year. According to the provisional calendar released recently by promoters Dorna, the 2022 season will open at Qatar’s Losail circuit.
Litar ini juga dijadualkan menjadi tuan rumah perlumbaan MotoGP pertama tahun depan. Menurut kalendar sementara yang dikeluarkan baru-baru ini oleh penganjur Dorna, musim 2022 akan dibuka di litar Losail Qatar.

Indonesia is honored to host the MotoGP pre-season test at the Mandalika Circuit, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, on February 11-13, 2022, Chief Strategic Communication Officer of the Mandalika Grand Prix Association (MGPA) Happy Harinto stated.
“It is an honor for the Mandalika circuit, and for Indonesia, to be able to serve as a location for the pre-season test in 2022,” Harinto told ANTARA on Saturday.
Although counted as a new circuit, the Mandalika Circuit has also joined the World Superbike calendar as the host of the closing series on November 12-14 this year.
Harinto believes this is an extraordinary opportunity for Indonesia, since not all countries can be trusted as locations for holding pre-season tests. Various aspects are tested during the pre-season test, starting from the physical racers, motorbikes, engines, chassis, tires, to clothes and helmets.
“Hence, basically everything is being tested from drivers to test technicians, so later standardization or technological specifications will be applied during the 2022 racing season,” he stated. Most importantly, all MotoGP riders along with manufacturers and partners will come to the Mandalika circuit, he remarked.
Harinto noted that this is an Indonesian automotive asset which will attract the world’s attention. Indonesia should be able to take a cue from automotive industries of other countries.
“Hopefully, the future of Indonesia’s automotive industry will be brighter,” he emphasized. “This is an encouragement not only for the automotive, but also the tourism industry. We should package and manage the presence of a MotoGP class world event properly.”
Prior to Mandalika, MotoGP had scheduled a pre-season test at the Sepang International Circuit in Malaysia on February 5-6. The shakedown test session will also be held from January 31 to February 2 in Sepang, with attendees comprising test riders and rookies.
After testing the latest motorcycle package in Malaysia, the racers will head to Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).
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