Beli Kereta Terpakai Dari Sime Darby Dan Jana Pendapatan Dengan TREVO
Dengan program ini, anda pada dasarnya membiarkan orang lain membayar ansuran bulanan anda
Bayangkan membeli kereta terpakai dan menjana pendapatan dengan kereta tersebut dengan menyenaraikannya di platform perkongsian kereta. Bukan hanya itu, harga penjualan semula juga dijamin sekiranya anda memutuskan untuk menjualnya kembali pada akhir tempoh 12 bulan.
Ini dapat dilakukan dengan program ‘Fund Your Drive’, yang dianjurkan oleh peniaga kereta terpakai pelbagai jenama Sime Darby, Sime Darby Auto Selection (SDAS) dan TREVO, pasar berkongsi kenderaan orang-ke-orang SOCAR Mobility Malaysia.

Bermula hari ini hingga 18 November 2021, program ini menawarkan rangkaian kereta diperbaharui yang boleh dipercayai dari SDAS dengan harga jual semula yang dijamin dalam masa 12 bulan melalui pilihan BuyBack. Menyenaraikan kereta mereka untuk disewa di TREVO akan memberi pelanggan jaminan pendapatan yang dapat menolong sekurang-kurangnya 70% ansuran bulanan.
Selain itu, SDAS juga menawarkan peluang penjimatan lebih jauh dalam bentuk servis percuma selama 12 bulan kepada pemilik yang mengikuti program ini.
Leon Foong, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif SOCAR Mobility Malaysia mengatakan bahawa tuan rumah TREVO yang memiliki Hyundai Grand Starex 2015, misalnya, boleh memperoleh sehingga RM850 sebulan jika kereta ditempah hanya selama 7 hari pada setiap bulan, yang jumlahnya hampir penuh ansuran pinjaman bulanan.

Ini siaran media Sime Darby Auto Selectiondengan lebih maklumat:
Sime Darby Auto Selection (SDAS), Malaysia’s fastest-growing corporate multi-brand used car dealer under Sime Darby Motors, has teamed up with TREVO, SOCAR Mobility Malaysia’s people-to-people car sharing marketplace, to revolutionise car ownership in Malaysia.
The ‘Fund Your Drive’ programme, the first of its kind in Malaysia – seeks to make car ownership more affordable and accessible, by providing the means for buyers of SDAS cars to also generate income from their vehicles by listing it on TREVO and a guaranteed resale price at the end of a 12-month period .
The ‘Fund Your Drive’ programme, which runs from 2 September until 18 November 2021, offers drivers the opportunity to purchase a reliable, refurbished vehicle from SDAS with a guaranteed resale price to SDAS within 12 months through the BuyBack option. In addition, they will also have a guaranteed income when they list their cars for rental on TREVO, which helps offset the costs of ownership such as loan repayments and maintenance fees.
The guaranteed income from car rental, which covers at least 70%* of the monthly loan repayments, provides car owners with loan instalment support for 12 months. As part of the programme, car owners will also enjoy free auto servicing from SDAS for the 12-month period.
“This collaboration with TREVO offers a good opportunity for those who want to own an affordable car with the chance to earn extra income from it, which will also help in financing the car. Additionally, SDAS is also offering free 12-month servicing for TREVO Hosts participating in the ‘Fund Your Drive’ programme, which will provide a substantial amount of savings on car maintenance and ownership,” said Vi Thim Juan, Managing Director of Sime Darby Auto Selection.
“During this time of economic uncertainty for many, those who need to own a vehicle may be thinking twice due to the financial outlay required. Through a programme like ‘Fund Your Drive’, owners not only have a variety of reliable, pre-owned vehicles that suit their budget from SDAS to choose from, TREVO also offers them additional means to fund the expenses associated with owning a vehicle,” said Leon Foong, CEO of SOCAR Mobility Malaysia.
Foong said a TREVO host who owns a 2015 Hyundai Grand Starex, for example, can earn approximately RM850 a month if their car is booked for 7 days in each month, while also keeping the car for personal use on the other 23 days in the month. The supplemental income is estimated to cover almost the full amount of the monthly loan instalment.
In line with SOCAR’s focus on multiflex mobility, TREVO is offering Malaysians more ways to move around that suit their needs. Having more listings on TREVO through this programme will expand options for these drivers.
Interested buyers can choose from a range of car models marked with the TREVO logo on SDAS’ website to enjoy the special privileges. More information on the ‘Fund Your Drive’ programme can be obtained through WhatsApp at +6019-205-2803, by emailing or by visiting This programme is open to all Malaysians.
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