Foton Pembuat Kenderaan Komersial Cina Berusia 25 Tahun
Sukar untuk mempercayai bahawa nama-nama ‘baharu’ seperti Foton telah wujud sejak sekian lama.
Bagi rakyat Malaysia, jenama Cina ini agak baharu dan masih tidak biasa. Tetapi penting untuk diperhatikan bahawa jenama ini telah wujud di China selama bertahun-tahun.
Salah satu jenama itu ialah Foton, yang memang ada di Malaysia … setahu kami mereka masih ada sebelum pandemik. Kami tidak pasti sama ada mereka masih beroperasi di sini.

Walau apa pun, Foton Motor baharu berusia 25 tahun dan telah menjual 10 juta kenderaan dalam masa itu – jenama kenderaan komersial China pertama yang mencapai kejayaan itu.

Sejarah Foton
Foton bermula pada bulan Ogos 1996 di Beijing. Namun, mereka mengambil masa tiga tahun untuk menjual kenderaan ringan pertama mereka. Mereka telah menempuh perjalanan yang jauh sejak itu. Selama sepuluh tahun terakhir, Foton secara konsisten menjual lebih banyak jenama kenderaan komersial China yang lain dari segi eksport.

Rakan Teknologi Foton
Sudah tentu, tidak ada syarikat China yang boleh mencapai kejayaan tersebut tanpa dorongan teknologi yang besar dari rakan kongsi asing. Bagi Foton, rakan kongsi asing utama mereka ialah Cummins, Daimler, ZF, C.P. Kumpulan dan Piaggio.

Foton Cummins Engine Co. Ltd ditubuhkan pada tahun 2007 untuk memperkukuhkan kerjasama antara Foton dan rakan teknologi mereka Cummins dan bersama-sama mereka telah mengembangkan sistem powertrain dan banyak lagi.
Kerjasama dengan Daimler, sebaliknya, menghasilkan penciptaan jenama baru, Auman. Ini bermula pada tahun 2012.
Kerjasama dengan ZF bermula pada tahun 2017 dengan pembukaan kilang pengeluaran untuk transmisi automatik yang dimaksudkan untuk kenderaan komersial. Loji pengeluaran ini hanya membekalkan pasaran Cina dan terletak di Jiaxing, China.
C.P. Group
Anda mungkin terkejut melihat Charoen Pokphand (CP) Group Thailand disenaraikan di sini. Tetapi sebenarnya Foton mempunyai usaha sama dengan mereka untuk menghasilkan pelbagai jenis kenderaan di Thailand. Usaha sama antara kedua-dua syarikat itu ditandatangani pada tahun 2019, tetapi kami tidak pasti sejauh mana perkongsian tersebut telah dicapai.
Kerjasama Foton dengan jenama roda dua Itali ini agak bercita-cita tinggi kerana ia melibatkan rangkaian kenderaan komersial ringan yang dikembangkan bersama oleh jenama. Kenderaan pertama yang dikembangkan bersama mereka dilancarkan pada awal 2021, hanya 2 tahun setelah pembangunan dimulakan. Ia dipanggil Porter NP6.
Ini siaran media Foton dengan lebih maklumat.
On August 28, Foton Motor is coming up on a special day, its glorious 25th anniversary celebration. Just in the first half of this year, Foton Motor has reached a 10 million-unit global sales milestone and becomes China’s first commercial vehicle company to exceed 10 million vehicles. During the time Foton Motor has left a splendid page in the process of commercial vehicle development. Over the past 25 year, the amount of Foton vehicle sales has grown to the highest of 10 million units in 2021, all those are the best proof of Foton Motor’s global expansion and strength.
In August, 1996, Foton Motor was established in Beijing China, and three years later (in 1999), it ranked the first in sales of light-duty vehicles. For ten consecutive years, Foton Motor has been maintaining the first place in commercial vehicle exports in China. These great achievements do not happen overnight, it is all premium products and services, years of research on customers and markets, consistent evolving over many years. The journey may be tough and the experience may be bitter, but Foton Motor has been stepping at a top “Foton speed”.
Since the beginning of unprecedented experiments to the present day, Foton motor has established cooperations with a large number of international first-class commercial vehicle players, including Cummins, Daimler, ZF, C.P. Group and Piaggio. These close cooperation ensure that every vehicle handed over to the customer is premium and reliable in performance. In 2007, Foton Motor and Cummins jointly set up Foton Cummins Engine Co., Ltd in China. During the past years, the cooperation between the two sides has expanded from product cooperation to in-depth cooperation in integrated supply chain, including powertrain system development and integrated optimization of vehicle. In 2012, Foton Daimler was established to produce and market Auman-branded trucks. In 2017, German auto component manufacturer ZF and Chinese truck manufacturer Foton announced that the companies have jointly opened a production plant in Jiaxing, China to produce automatic commercial vehicle transmissions for the Chinese market.
In Thailand, Charoen Pokphand (CP) Group and Foton Motor Group have set up a joint venture there to make all vehicles types. Foton motor said it was confident in the future growth prospects in Southeast Asia, targeting a top three position in Thailand. Foton Motor and Piaggio Group, europe’s largest scooter and motorcycle manufacturer had signed contract for the strategic development of a new range of light commercial vehicles. In January, 2021, Foton Motor and Piaggio Group jointly released their new light commercial vehicle, new Porter NP6 meeting Euro-VI Emission. However, It only took 2 years from product development to launch.
With the whole world focusing on new energy technologies, the major aspects of competition for new energy commercial vehicle in future include technological innovation, product quality, extended services and business models. Foton Motor has always been making investment in the field of new energy to develop vehicles that run on pure electric, hydrogen fuel cell, and hybrid power. At the same time, it has independently developed and mastered the core technology of new energy “three powers”. Up to now, India, Egypt and Chile have become one of the largest export destinations for Foton electric vehicles, with Chile the leading player in new energy buses.
Over the past 25 year, Foton Motor has never forgotten why it started. In the future, Foton Motor will continue to focus on the development of commercial vehicle, especially new energy vehicles, to provide global users with green, smart and efficient transport experience.
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