Kereta Elektrik smart #1 Akan Tiba Dengan Lencana Proton Di Proton Edar
Adakah anda akan membeli smart #1 elektrik daripada Proton Edar tahun depan?
Pada Januari tahun ini, Proton Edar (pengedar Kereta Proton terbesar di Malaysia) menandatangani Memorandum Perjanjian (MOA) dengan ‘smart Automobile Company’ (smart) untuk bekerjasama menjual dan mengedarkan semua kenderaan elektrik baharu ini di pasaran automotif ASEAN .
Perjanjian itu mengesahkan Proton Edar menjadi pengimport, pengedar dan peniaga untuk kenderaan elektrik smart di Malaysia dan Thailand dan Smart Automobile (Nanning) Sales Co. Ltd. (anak syarikat milik penuh Smart Automobile), yang akan memenuhi peranan sebagai pintu masuk untuk smart ke rantau ini.

Hatchback ini menggunakan platform kongsi Geely Auto Group yang sudah digunakan dengan kereta elektrik Zeekr 001 dan juga Lotus Eletre yang dilancarkan baru-baru ini.
smart #1 ini bukan hatchback kecil. Syarikatnya, Geely dan Daimler menggelarnya sebagai SUV dan kami berpendapat ia lebih kepada crossover seperti Mini Countryman. Pada panjang 4270mm, lebar 1822 dan tinggi 1636mm dengan jarak roda 2750 milimeter smart #1 ini adalah kira-kira saiz yang sama dengan Mini Countryman semasa. Berat adalah kira-kira 1,820kg dan ini adalah kerana sistem bateri yang digunakannya.
Kereta elektrik penuh ini didatangkan dengan motor elektrik dipasang di belakang yang menghasilkan 272hp dan 343Nm tork. Motor ini dipadankan dengan bateri litium ternary 66kWh yang beroperasi pada 400 volt untuk kemungkinan jarak pemanduan 420 hingga 440km dalam keadaan terbaik.
Kelajuan tertinggi ialah 180 kilometer sejam. Pada pengecas standard, masa pengecasan bateri daripada 10 peratus kuasa kepada 80 peratus kuasa bateri yang boleh digunakan mengambil masa kira-kira 3.5 jam. Pada pengecas pantas, maks 150kW DC, masa pengecasan hanya 30 minit.

Kabin smart #1 sama seperti kereta elektrik baharu. Ia trendy, ada stail dan penuh teknologi. Skrin konsol tengah yang besar berukuran 12.8 inci dan pemandu mendapat panel instrumen 9.2 inci, serta paparan heads-up.
Jadi, soalan paling penting, ‘berapa harga di Malaysia’? Ini adalah kereta elektrik penuh dan walaupun dengan status kereta nasional Malaysia dan status bebas cukai semasa untuk kereta elektrik penuh, tidak mungkin harga smart #1 ini akan dijual di bawah RM100k. Ia mungkin lebih hampir kepada RM198,888 dan ini hanya jangkaan kami buat masa ini.
Sanggupkah anda membelinya dengan harga RM198,888?

MEDIA RELEASE: smart #1 Connectivity
smart #1 is putting the customer at the center. With a dedicated app environment and customizable infotainment user interface, the car embraces purposeful and human-centric technology to connect people, places, and experiences both virtually and in real life.
The all-new smart will feature an avatar as intelligent companion with AI based voice control within its user interface. This seamlessly ties into the interconnected ecosystem of the car, the smart app, and data clouds – all linked with personal smart ID and protected by highest cyber security encryption standards.
To meet the needs of users in terms of ever-changing mobility, the all-new smart #1 and all connected products and services form one coherent, intuitive, and adapting ecosystem. A centralized, high-performance computing architecture ensures dynamic over the air updates so that more than 75 percent of all ECUs in the car can be continuously iterated and updated remotely (OTA).
In combination with full integration of the customizable ambient lighting and operating menus, driving and interacting with the car becomes a natural and immersive experience.
smart sees the advanced technologies in the car as enablers for an authentic and worry-free electric mobility experience.
The smart #1 launch specification provides a 200kW peak performance and will be capable of AC charging from 10-80 percent with 22kW in 3 hours. With DC super-fast charging this can be accomplished in under 30 minutes.
The compact SUV allows users to connect the smart #1 with friends via app and includes a digital key with a peer-2-peer-system. As a matter of course, the smart #1 is also designed to ensure passenger safety as best by a range of driver assistant systems.

smart #1 For The Future
Since smart is committed to uncompromising quality of experience and interactions, the company creates a progressive and intuitive digital ecosystem for its customers that puts experience first and redefines the concept of commerce and daily mobility.
Together with a network of experienced partners, smart will provide a real and customer-oriented omni-channel experience along the entire customer journey: The user decides when and where to gather information, create experiences, make the purchase, or just stay in dialog with smart – while ensuring a seamless switch from online to offline and back. For that reason, a full embedded physical retail will remain a key success factor of the business model.
By the way, in case you did not know this, smart Automobile Co., Ltd., was founded as a joint venture in 2019 by Mercedes-Benz and Geely Group, with both parties leveraging synergies in R&D, manufacturing and supply chain to develop smart into a world-leading, premium electric vehicle technology brand.
The new generation of smart electric vehicles is designed by the Mercedes-Benz Global Design Department, with engineering led by the smart R&D team, and products set to expand into more market segments. The first all-electric SUV will go onto the market in 2022 and be sold worldwide. To support its global operations, smart has established sales centres in China and Germany.
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