Toyota Motor Thailand Sambut Ulangtahun Ke 60
Toyota telah berada di Thailand selama 6 dekad dan ia semakin meningkat.
Apabila ia berkenaan mobiliti, beberapa syarikat mempunyai kesan yang besar kepada dunia seperti Toyota. Di negara jiran Thailand, Toyota telah ditubuhkan selama 60 tahun. Toyota Motor Thailand Company Limited mengambil peluang untuk meraikan kejayaan ini dan mengisytiharkan beberapa matlamat baharu untuk era baharu. Mereka juga akan membina dan menjual 6,000 model edisi khas untuk pasaran Thailand sebagai peringatan.

Dalam tempoh 60 tahun yang lalu, Toyota Motor Thailand telah menubuhkan 3 kilang pengeluaran yang menghasilkan 770,000 kenderaan setahun dengan jumlah keseluruhan 11 juta. Mereka juga telah menjual lebih 7 juta kereta di Kingdom itu dan telah mengeksport lebih 5 juta kereta ke seluruh dunia sejak penubuhannya.

Berikut adalah beberapa komitmen yang dibuat oleh Toyota Motor Thailand untuk masa depan mereka:
1) Menyediakan mobiliti untuk memenuhi keperluan pelanggan dan mengetuai promosi xEV di Thailand
2) Menawarkan penyelesaian mobiliti untuk pengalaman pelanggan yang lancar dengan bergabung tenaga dengan rakan kongsi perniagaan untuk menyediakan rangkaian lengkap perkhidmatan mobiliti
3) 3) Mempercepatkan usaha Neutral Karbon sepanjang keseluruhan kitaran hayat produk
4) Menjalankan perniagaan dengan matlamat untuk mewujudkan kebahagiaan orang ramai dan berkhidmat kepada SDG
5) Memupuk ramai untuk memacu organisasi dan menegakkan standard etika sebagai warga korporat yang baik
Berikut ialah siaran media Toyota dengan lebih maklumat.
Mr. Noriaki Yamashita, President of Toyota Motor Thailand Company Limited, and Mr. Hao Quoc Tien, Chief Executive Officer of Asia Region for Toyota Motor Corporation & President of Toyota Motor Asia Pacific, along with Top executives of Toyota, Toyota Suppliers and Toyota Dealers, as well as distinguished guests, jointly honor their presence to participate in the press conference of “Toyota Motor Thailand’s 60th Anniversary… Drive Better Future Together” while also declaring its firm commitment to leading the new era of mobility amidst the significant transformation of automotive industry in the face of various environmental challenges on 28 April 2022, at TOYOTA ALIVE Building, Bangna.

Throughout the past 60 years, Toyota has always strived to operate business while driving the society towards rising prosperity and growing alongside Thai people. The company has played a part in the development of Thailand’s automotive industry with a total of 3 production plants, contributing to a production capacity of up to 770,000 vehicles per year. Apart from producing cumulatively over 7 million cars for domestic sales, Toyota becomes the key regional production hub for exports with over 5 million units transporting to the global market, thereby contributing to a total cumulative production of over 11 million units. Furthermore, Toyota takes the lead in the automotive industry with its aim to create technological breakthroughs in order to introduce phenomenal innovations for the Thai market. The company is also the pioneer in launching environmentally friendly automotive technologies to the Thai market, which later on result in the continuous enhancement of product and service offerings in various aspects to respond to the needs and modern lifestyles of Thai customers. In addition, Toyota demonstrates its firm commitment to the improvement of Thai people’s quality of life through several social benevolent initiatives, which are testament to Toyota’s intention to create happiness and sustainability of Thai society.

Essentially, our new missions are:
1) Providing mobility to serve customer needs and leading the promotion of xEVs in Thailand
2) Offering mobility solutions for seamless customer experience by joining forces with business partners to provide a complete range of mobility services
3) Accelerating Carbon Neutral effort along the entire product life cycle
4) Conducting business with an aim to create people happiness and serve SDGs
5) Fostering people to drive organization and upholding ethical standard as a good corporate citizen
To ultimately accomplish these new missions, one of Toyota’s top priorities is to achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2050 which is the key mission of the global Toyota and aligns with the government’s direction, particularly in the promotion of electrification in Thailand. The company had already introduced bZ4X as the first BEV from Toyota brand. In the future, Toyota will also introduce various xEV models in Thailand to serve diversified needs and usage of its customers. Moreover, Toyota is fully prepared in the production processes with the highest quality standards, while also worked together with like-minded partners to jointly conduct studies in various projects, including equipping Thai personnel with enhanced skills and knowledge on new automotive technology. Besides, Toyota has been working on the infrastructure preparation for electrified vehicles to support the xEV popularization in Thailand, and ultimately making Thailand the key production hub for multiple electrified vehicles in the near future.

In terms of environment
Toyota focuses on creating Carbon Neutrality in accordance with the Government’s policy to build low-carbon society in order to minimize the impact of global warming. To achieve this mission, Toyota has made Multi Pathway preparations through a variety of initiatives, as well as proactively working on the minimization of carbon emission through Life Cycle Assessment as follows:
• Our product design focuses on pollution reduction in order to solve air pollution issues. We utilize various sources of alternative energy like battery, electricity, and so on.
• We aim to offer electric vehicles that come with a comprehensive range of powertrains in order to respond to virtually all driving needs. This is to provide our customers with diverse alternative vehicles amidst the period of transformation towards the electrification era.
• In addition, we intend to drive Thailand to be the production hub of electrified vehicles in the region, as well as supporting the localization of auto parts and components, which also aligns with the Government’s policy issued by The National Electric Vehicle Policy Committee.
• Our production lines have been enhanced to achieve a zero CO2 emission. We use renewable energy and try to save as much energy as possible in our manufacturing process, while also leveraging the Toyota Production System to maximize efficiency.
• We also work with Toyota dealers and suppliers to enhance the efficiency of logistic systems in order to save energy and reduce carbon emission, as well as minimizing energy usage in office premises and establishing environmental standards for partners across the value chain.
• Furthermore, we expand our collaborations with business partners in order to prepare for the appropriate elimination of end-of-life products. (3R: Rebuilt, Reuse, Recycle)
• We also establish the first Carbon Neutral learning center outside the production plant under the project of “Toyota Green Town Ayutthaya” in order to disseminate knowledge about the environment and natural resources as well as creating environmental awareness in order to encourage everyone to take part in reducing carbon emissions through the implementation of various environmental education activities with communities.
• More notably, we plan to initiate “Sustainable Environment Communities for Carbon Neutrality” project in all regions across Thailand. By doing this, we expect to raise the bar from previously building learning centers to establishing role model communities that will foster solid environmental awareness so that everyone in the community can live in harmony with nature in a sustainable way.
• Additionally, we have joined forces with like-minded partners in other different sectors to embark on various projects. For instance, we have developed Decarbonized Sustainable City in Pattaya, provided a full range of environmentally friendly vehicles for services to enhance urban transportation and diverse usage in Pattaya. In addition, we have cooperated with partners in the development of relevant infrastructure, such as clean energy and connectivity technology to be used in the project under the concept of “Modernized and Decarbonized Transportation”.
In terms of economy
• We transfer the knowledge of Toyota Way business practices to local businesses in order to improve people’s quality of life, reduce inequalities, and strengthen the grassroot economy through the establishment of “Toyota Social Innovation” Yokoten Centers in strategic locations across the nation.
In terms of society
We continuously carry on our key initiatives to develop Thai people’s wellbeing and quality of life through various Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, for example:
• We continue road safety enhancement through “Toyota White Road” project to build Good Driver Society by equipping people with advanced driving skills, as well as utilizing intelligent traffic information to support traffic infrastructure, and planning to reduce road accidents by improving 60 high-risk spots across Thailand.
• Additionally, the company increases the registered capital of “Toyota Thailand Foundation” for 500 million baht in order to enhance the foundation’s operations with an aim to further strengthen the Thai society through quality of life development initiatives for the disadvantaged people and needy children so that they have access to education opportunities, good healthcare, and so on.
Moving towards the new era of Toyota’s business operation, Toyota will face a myriad of challenges as we transform to a mobility company. Meanwhile, Toyota aims to “Drive Future Together” in the same spirit of making ever better products and services in sustainable ways to the diverse needs of the society. This way we can provide “Mobility for all, leaving no one behind”.
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