Simpan Duit Untuk Kereta Elektrik Atau Tunggu Untuk eFuel RM45.00 Seliter
eFuel agak mahal buat permulaan, tetapi harga akan turun kepada USD2.00 seliter dalam masa 2 tahun.
Porsche beberapa tahun lalu datang dengan idea untuk membangunkan petrol atau bahan api sintetik. Ya, dianggarkan kos pam hampir RM45.00 seliter. Walau bagaimanapun, apabila dalam pengeluaran penuh dan dengan volum yang tinggi, ia dianggarkan turun kepada lebih USD2.00 satu liter (iaitu kira-kira RM9.00) dalam masa 2 hingga 3 tahun. Bagi kami, kami akan menunggu e-fuel ini tiba kerana kami ingin terus memandu kereta klasik moden lama kami yang tiada lagi ansuran bulanan.
Jadi, bahan api revolusioner ini perlahan-lahan akan menggantikan petroleum dan seterusnya mengurangkan beberapa isu alam sekitar dan juga membantu mengurangkan pelepasan. Berapa banyak, pengiraan masih dalam proses.
Sementara itu, kos pengeluaran bateri untuk kereta elektrik masih tidak menjimatkan alam sekitar kerana kos perlombongan tidak diukur oleh negara Kesatuan Eropah (EU) yang hanya mahukan udara bersih dan permotoran bersih dengan mengorbankan negara Amerika Selatan dan Afrika yang melombong mineral yang jarang ditemui dan menggunakan tenaga buruh yang murah.
Baru-baru ini pada April 2022, Porsche mengumumkan bahawa mereka melabur USD75 juta dalam sebuah syarikat yang merupakan pembangun aktif E-Fuel. HIF Global LLC yang berpangkalan di Santiago Chile sudah membina kilang perintis eFuel di Punta Arenas (Chile).

SIARAN MEDIA: Initiated by Porsche and implemented with partners including Siemens Energy and ExxonMobil, production of eFuels from hydrogen and CO2 using wind energy is expected to start there in mid-2022. These electricity-based synthetic fuels allow combustion engines to be operated in a potentially almost CO₂-neutral manner.
With its investment in HIF Global LLC Porsche is participating in an international financing round alongside the Chilean company Andes Mining & Energy (AME) and the American companies EIG, Baker Hughes Company and Gemstone Investments.
In total, an amount in the low nine-figure USD range is flowing into HIF Global LLC. AME remains the majority shareholder of HIF Global LLC. The additional capital will be used to develop industrial eFuel facilities in Chile, the US and Australia, which have large supplies of renewable energy.
“EFuels make an important contribution to climate protection and complement our electromobility in a meaningful way. By investing in industrial eFuel production, Porsche is further expanding its commitment to sustainable mobility.
In total, our investment in the development and provision of this innovative technology amounts to more than USD 100 million,” says Barbara Frenkel, Member of the Executive Board for Procurement at Porsche AG.
In addition, e-methanol is an important raw material for other applications, such as in the chemical industry, where it can replace raw materials of fossil origin. E-methanol is an intermediate product that is produced during the generation of eFuel,” explains Michael Steiner, Member of the Executive Board for Research and Development at Porsche AG.
Porsche has been researching the use of renewable fuels for some time. Tests in the laboratory and on the race track are proceeding successfully: “We see ourselves as pioneers in eFuels and want to drive the technology. This is one building block in our clear, overall sustainability strategy,” emphasizes Michael Steiner.
The sports car manufacturer initially plans to use the eFuel from Chile in motorsport flagship projects.
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