Laporan MAA: Jualan Kereta Meningkat 33% Pada Separuh Pertama 2022
2022 terbukti menjadi tahun yang hebat untuk jualan kereta, dan MAA perlu menyemak semula angka mereka.
Pada separuh pertama 2022, Persatuan Automotif Malaysia / Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) melaporkan bahawa 331,386 kenderaan telah didaftarkan. Ini mewakili peningkatan sebanyak 33% (perbezaan unit 82,208) dalam jualan kereta berbanding separuh pertama 2021. MAA mengaitkan peningkatan ini kepada TIV yang rendah pada 2021 disebabkan oleh berbilang Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan yang menghalang jualan dan pengeluaran sepanjang tahun lepas.

Kecuali bulan April, setiap bulan setakat tahun 2022 ini telah menyaksikan jualan kereta yang lebih baik daripada bulan yang sama pada tahun 2021. Walaupun begitu, perbezaan dalam jualan untuk bulan April ialah 1%. Mac 2022 mewakili TIV tertinggi sepanjang masa untuk Malaysia dengan 73,244 kereta didaftarkan. MAA menyifatkan peningkatan dalam jualan disebabkan oleh tekanan untuk menamatkan tahun kewangan secara mendadak bagi banyak syarikat kereta.
Terdapat satu lagi peningkatan dalam jualan pada bulan Jun apabila pengecualian SST tamat, tetapi jumlahnya mungkin lebih tinggi jika tidak kerana kekurangan komponen yang menjejaskan bahagian bekalan. Berikut adalah carta untuk rujukan.

Dari segi pengeluaran, terdapat juga peningkatan besar sebanyak 31.8% berbanding tempoh yang sama tahun lepas. 317,933 kenderaan dikeluarkan di Malaysia pada separuh pertama 2022 berbanding 241,288 unit pada separuh pertama 2021.
MAA telah memutuskan untuk menyemak semula ramalan TIV awal mereka untuk 2022 daripada 600,000 unit kepada 630,000 unit. Berikut adalah sebab untuk semakan menurut MAA sendiri.

1) Malaysia is expected to continue its recovery momentum this year, after the country’s first-quarter 2022 performance saw a growth of 5%. According to the Ministry of Finance (MOF), this recovery will be supported by increases in domestic and external demand, as well as labour market recovery. The MOF is maintaining its official GDP forecast of 5.3% to 6.3% for 2022.
2) The authorities believe with the government’s consistent policy support, particularly initiatives under an expansionary Budget 2022, as well as the spill over effects from Budget 2021 and previous stimulus and assistance packages, our country’s economy will continue to improve during the second half of the year. Coupled with the smooth transition to the endemic phase as well as the reopening of international borders, many sectors are showing signs of growth in business activities, albeit not yet reaching the pre-
pandemic level.
3) The various economic stimulus packages to mitigate the adverse impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and to revive economic activities have been very helpful. For the automotive industry, despite not having the PEMERKASA Plus plan for car buyers to enjoy sales tax exemption extended beyond 30 June 2022, MAA members are happy and pleased that the authorities have allowed buyers with confirmed booking to register their vehicles by 31 March 2023. This measure is indeed a positive one as it will help the automotive industry to fulfil backlogged orders while at the same time allowing the rakyat to enjoy lower price cars.
4) Introduction of new models such with latest designs and features as well as electric vehicles at affordable and competitive prices may assist to sustain buying interest.
5) Continuation of efforts to fulfill backlogged orders and promotional campaigns by car companies to boost sales and maintain market share.
6) Events arising from geopolitical tensions, escalating oil prices, inflationary concerns, increase in food prices, increase in logistics and shipping costs and supply chains disruptions may dampen our country’s economic growth outlook and in turn consumers’ demand for new vehicles.
7) Bank Negara’s decision at its Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meeting on 6 July 2022 to increase the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) by 25 basis points to 2.25 percent may dampen consumer confidence.
8) Businesses may hold back investments in view of the on-going uncertainties at the global level as well as our domestic political scene. Many analysts are expecting that the 15th General Election (GE15) will take place within the year.
9) Ongoing continuation of components and chips shortages may dampen production of motor vehicles during the year.
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